Retail and Consumer Goods
Respond faster with real-time, accurate data for actionable insights needed to drive a resilient, agile and intelligent On-Time In-Full (OTIF) supply chain.

InterSystems IRIS Data Platform Enables Digital Transformation in Retail and Consumer Goods
InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator™ provides all that you need for any retail data management challenge, whether you are building a web of interconnected data for online shopping, leveraging customer information from multiple sources, or coordinating supply chain and logistics partners and processes.
Learn more about Supply Chain Orchestrator
Accelerate Digital Transformation
Empowering IT
- Full support for expanding responsibilities of IT
- Powerful integration, application development, and data analytics
- Modern, open, standards-based development environment
- Low cost of ownership: fewer software and staffing requirements
- Minimal training requirements
- Easy to install, use, and maintain
360-Degree View of Customer Data
- Deliver a comprehensive view of your customers
- Create real-time, personalised interactions with customers across all touch points
Unified Retail Product Data Management
- Provide access to product information, availability, order status, and shipment status in real time
- Seamless business processes with real-time, event-driven analytics
- Integration with IoT technologies, including beacons and RFID tags
- Ability to monitor, alert, and report on activities, process flows, and key performance indicators in real time