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InterSystems IRIS SQL Specialist

InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, SQL, Relational Tables, Indexing, Query Plans

The InterSystems IRIS SQL Specialist exam is designed to validate core skills for developers who design and manage InterSystems IRIS SQL applications and operations.

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Exam Details

Target Exam Role

  • An IT professional who uses InterSystems IRIS SQL to:
    • design InterSystems IRIS SQL applications,
    • manage InterSystems IRIS SQL operations,
    • and load and efficiently query datasets in InterSystems IRIS SQL.
  • At least 1 to 2 years of experience designing and managing InterSystems IRIS SQL applications, or expertise in other SQL platforms and has 1 year experience with managing InterSystems IRIS SQL applications.

Recommended Preparation

Exam Parameters

Number of questions: 47
Time allotted to take exam: 2 hours
Passing score: 74%
Language offered: English

Exam format: multiple choice and multiple response. Access to InterSystems IRIS Documentation will be available during the exam.

Note: This exam has a 2-hour time limit. While InterSystems documentation will be available during the exam, candidates will not have time to search the documentation for every question. Thus, completing the recommended preparation before taking the exam, and searching the documentation only when absolutely necessary during the exam, are both strongly encouraged.

Exam Topics and Content

The exam contains question items that cover the areas for the stated role as shown in the KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) chart immediately below.



Designs InterSystems IRIS SQL applications


Designs a SQL schema 

  1. Identifies role of bitmap extent index
  2. Determines use cases for indexes
  3. Distinguishes use cases for different index types​
  4. Distinguishes primary, unique, and ID keys
  5. Identifies properties for foreign key relationships
  6. Identifies behavior of referential actions for update and delete
  7. Identifies tradeoffs for adding even more indexes
  8. Identifies use cases for composite indexes


Designs advanced schemas

  1. Distinguishes the differences between date/time data types


Loads data

  1. Uses LOAD DATA command
  2. Uses SQL diagnostics tables (%SQL_Diag)
  3. Identifies options for exporting data (physical vs logical)


Writes business logic

  1. Defines stored procedures
  2. Defines triggers
  3. Identifies language options for writing business logic


Develops object/relational applications

  1. Recalls default object/relational mapping
  2. Recalls SQL best practices when defining classes


Deploys SQL applications

  1. Lists mechanisms for deploying SQL applications
  2. Determines what needs to be part of a deployment


Uses InterSystems IRIS SQL


Manages InterSystems IRIS query processing

  1. List considerations made by the optimizer
  2. Differentiates syntax and runtime errors
  3. Uses Statement Index to find statement metadata


Interprets query plans

  1. Identifies ways to view query plans for a statement
  2. Identifies Full Table Scans in a query plan
  3. Identifies the use of indexes in a query plan
  4. Distinguishes between loops and lookups in a query plan
  5. Distinguishes modules called once vs repeatedly in a query plan
  6. Recalls role of table statistics in query planning
  7. Uses hints to troubleshoot query planning
  8. Identifies opportunities for indexes, based on a query plan
  9. Recalls the meaning of relative cost


Uses InterSystems IRIS SQL in applications

  1. Defines InterSystems IRIS connections
  2. Identifies prepare/execute steps
  3. Recalls how proper use of parameters can guard against SQL injection
  4. Leverages explicit transaction controls effectively


Uses InterSystems IRIS-specific SQL capabilities

  1. Uses SelectMode appropriately
  2. Uses arrow syntax for implicit joining


Uses transactions effectively 

  1. Determines appropriate transaction boundaries
  2. Uses CommitMode appropriately
  3. Recalls impact of large or long-running transactions


Manages InterSystems IRIS SQL operations


Manages SQL operations

  1. Uses SQL Process view to monitor SQL activity (2022.2+)
  2. Gathers table statistics
  3. Uses the runtime stats in the Statement Index to find statements with optimization opportunities


Manages SQL Security

  1. Assigns SQL privileges to users and roles
  2. Differentiates SQL privilege checking and application security
  3. Identifies impact of enabling SQL auditing


Uses PTools for advanced performance analysis

  1. Distinguishes between performance metrics "time spent", "global references" and "commands executed"