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Advisory: Clinical Viewer User Security Group May Be Incorrect When Under Heavy Load

This problem affects the following products:

  • HealthShare® Information Exchange 2018.1
  • HealthShare Unified Care Record® versions 2019.1 and 2019.2
  • HealthShare® Clinical Viewer versions 2019.2 through 2023.1:
    • 2019.2
    • 2020.1
    • 2020.2
    • 2021.1
    • 2021.2
    • 2022.1
    • 2022.2
    • 2023.1


  • HealthShare Clinical Viewer
  • Accessing a very large patient record
  • User moving very quickly between charts

When a Clinical Viewer user accesses a very large patient record and moves quickly between one chart and another, the user's security group may revert to another security group which may have access to more data. When the user navigates to another chart, the proper security group is reestablished.

This has been corrected as of Clinical Viewer version 2023.2.

Customers using an affected version can request an ad hoc patch from the Worldwide Response Center (WRC) and refer to HSCV-17240.


Latest Alerts & Advisories

04 mars 2025
This problem affects the following products:

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