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Advisory: Residual Locks on Late Update

March 11, 2020 – Advisory: Residual Locks on Late Update

InterSystems has corrected a defect when the InactiveMRNHandlingMode is set to Late Update.

This problem exists for:

  • HealthShare Unified Care Record 2019.1

This defect occurs when the InactiveMRNHandlingMode in the HS.Gateway.ECR.Manager is set to Late Update. In rare situations where the Late Update code is triggered, locks on an MRN can fail to be released. This can result in messages becoming stuck in the ECR Manager.

The correction for this defect is identified as dev key MCZ110 and included in all product releases from Unified Care Record 2019.1.1 onwards.  It is also available via Ad hoc change file (patch) or full kit distribution by contacting the Worldwide Response Center (WRC).

If you have any questions regarding this advisory, please contact the WRC.


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