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Alert: Access Violations with Shadowing

November 25, 2019 – Alert: Access Violations with Shadowing

InterSystems has corrected a defect that can cause shadowing to fail with an access violation. In rare cases, the defect can cause memory corruption, leading to unpredictable behavior.

Note: The defect does not affect mirroring.

This defect affects:

  • InterSystems IRIS 2019.1.1 and 2019.3
  • IRIS for Health 2019.1.1 and 2019.3
  • HealthShare Health Connect 2019.1.1
  • HealthShare Health Connect (HSAP) 15.032 on 2018.1.3
  • Caché and Ensemble 2018.1.3

In InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health, shadowing code is included, but it should not be used; InterSystems recommends using mirroring, which is not affected by this defect.

The defect occurs only on shadow servers (also known as shadow destinations); shadow sources are not impacted. All shadow servers are vulnerable to this defect.

The correction for this defect is identified as HYY2375, which will be included in all future releases of InterSystems IRIS, Caché, and Ensemble, and is available via ad hoc distribution from the Worldwide Response Center.

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