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Alert HS2024-limited: InterSystems IRIS for Health, Health Connect & HealthShare Solution Alert for Customers who Received an Ad Hoc Correction for HSIEO-8613

There is 1 alert in the HealthShare HS2024-limited Alert communication. An alert summary for the issue is shown is in the table below. Details for the alert are contained in the attached document: HS2024 Limited Communication.

HS2024-limited-01: Regression in Studio Functionality in HealthShare after Applying Corrections Recommended in Alert HS2023-02-04

Product & Versions Affected:
Customers who received and applied an ad hoc correction for HSIEO-8613.

Risk Category & Score:
4 - High Risk

If you have any questions regarding this alert, please contact the Worldwide Response Center (WRC).

Latest Alerts & Advisories

04 mars 2025
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