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Drive Clinical and Business Outcomes with InterSystems TrakCare

EHR Built for a Changing Healthcare World

Doctor business healthcare meeting

InterSystems TrakCare® connects care teams across the healthcare ecosystem, making it easy to share information across facilities and organisations, improving safety, compliance, and patient satisfaction. Much more than just an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, the fully integrated solution includes a comprehensive set of unified clinical, administrative, revenue cycle management, and departmental products.

TrakCare ships with an extension collection of localised content, helping speed up deployments and accelerate time-to-value. The flexible solution can be deployed in a modular fashion to meet the needs of any healthcare organization, in any care setting.

The Challenge: Keeping Pace with Constant Change

Whether it’s supporting M&A activity, implementing new best practice guidelines and government regulations, or rolling out new technology, today’s healthcare IT organisations are under constant pressure to keep pace with rapidly evolving business requirements. Many are hampered by disjointed systems and practices – silos of independent platforms that are costly and difficult to extend. These fragmented environments hinder IT agility, impede workflows, and impair patient care, staff productivity, and business performance.

Dr. Deepak Dwarakanath
Medical Director/ Consultant Physician
North Tees and Hartlepool, NHS Foundation Trust

The Solution: InterSystems TrakCare Accelerates Healthcare IT Agility

InterSystems TrakCare is specifically designed to eliminate the inherent cost, complexity, and inefficiencies of traditional siloed healthcare IT environments. The standards-based solution connects disparate applications and systems, providing a single data model, a universal patient record, and consistent user experience across the entire healthcare ecosystem.

TrakCare in Action:

TrakCare breaks down adoption and interoperability barriers and helps improve business agility and accelerate the pace of innovation. The end-to-end solution increases insights and improves decision-making; boosts productivity for clinicians, administrators, and hospital staff; and improves patient outcomes and business results. Field-proven and timetested, TrakCare is deployed in 28 countries across five continents.

TrakCare in Action

TrakCare Advantages

Unified Platform

  • Unified EHR and patient engagement improves patient safety and care coordination
  • Real-time insight across the enterprise enhances personalized treatment and optimizes outcomes
  • Consistent UX increases user productivity and satisfaction, and simplifies training and support

Open Technology

  • Simple integration with third-party solutions makes it easy to extend scope and import/export data across the healthcare ecosystem
  • Open, standards-based platform (RESTful APIs, IHE, HL7® FHIR®, CDA and more) facilitates data and information exchange, improves clinical processes and patient care
  • Easy interoperability, extensibility, and the TrakCare Innovation Framework accelerates the pace of innovation and improves responsiveness

Regional Versions

  • Preconfiguation for regional needs simplifies set-up, avoids duplication of effort, and accelerates time-to-value
  • Local language edition promotes adoption
  • Regional focus, expertise and product support expedites success

Key Benefits

  • Improve patient care delivery
  • Boost business results
  • Streamline clinical, administrative, and business workflows
  • Increase insights and make data-driven decisions
  • Improve compliance, safety, and patient satisfaction
  • Accelerate time-to-value and business agility

Key Features

  • Suite of care settings, departments, and extension products
  • Clinician and patient-adaptable workflows that meet global standards
  • Built-in business management for labs, pharmacies, and revenue cycle
  • Analysis and decision-making tools
  • End-to-end revenue cycle management
  • Unified medication management across settings
  • Self-service portals for patients

Learn More

TrakCare is available as a traditional software solution for on-premises or public cloud deployment, or as a SaaS solution for ultimate simplicity. To learn how TrakCare can help your organisation drive clinical and business outcomes, please visit

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