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Health Data Economy: Vehicles for Discovery

Virtual Care

The Economist Events Webinar

Today’s healthcare continuum produces astronomical volumes of data. These can be mined to benefit knowledge discovery, predictive analytics, and more efficient business processes. That said, we can’t leverage real-world data if we can’t share it effectively, which requires a combination of technical, regulatory, and policy investments. Regional and country level initiatives like the UK’s 100,000 Genomes Project and “All of Us” in the US have amassed huge amounts of information from volunteers to foster research.

At the same time, it’s not all good news - look no further than high profile news stories such as Google’s data processing and storage “Project Nightingale”. Globally, a patchwork of mismatched consent and privacy rules sometimes sabotages even basic information sharing for patient care. Even when the rules align, the data – in many formats and systems - often does not. These are major roadblocks in attempts to make data a tangible public good.

Panelists will discuss:

  • How will the debate between the (unconsented) use of patient data for commercial gain and the greater good continue to evolve?
  • Who owns data in the digital age: the person the data represents or the entity that collects it?
  • What are the biggest barriers to creating a global health data economy?
  • How can we synchronize information systems and standardize data across a fragmented health and care landscape?
  • What are the technical hurdles to acquiring and using data and how do we make unstructured data comprehensible and usable?

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