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InterSystems Introduces HealthShare Message Transformation Service as Part of the Amazon HealthLake Launch

Cloud-based, On-Demand Message Transformation for Amazon HealthLake

Recently, we announced the availability of InterSystems HealthShare Message Transformation Service (now named InterSystems FHIR® Transformation Service). Developed for use with Amazon HealthLake, the on-demand service enables healthcare providers, payers, and pharmaceutical companies to convert their existing data formats to FHIR standards to populate Amazon HealthLake and extract the most value from their data.

Making it Easier to Analyze Health Data at Scale

Amazon HealthLake is a HIPAA-eligible service designed to store, transform, query, and analyze health data at scale. Using the HealthLake APIs, organizations can easily store health data already in the HL7® FHIR® industry standard in a secure data lake in the cloud. But, many healthcare systems, labs, and pharmacies still have most of their data in non-FHIR formats such as HL7 V2 – impeding interoperability and the ability to derive full value from their data.

AWS selected InterSystems as one of the Amazon HealthLake Connector Partners to develop and introduce complementary products to coincide with the launch of Amazon HealthLake. Solutions such as InterSystems HealthShare Message Transformation Service, which is part of the InterSystems HealthShare suite of products, enable users to fully leverage products such as Amazon HealthLake to derive meaningful insights from their data, like examining trends such as disease progression at the individual or population health level over time, spotting opportunities for early intervention, and delivering personalized medicine.

“As an Advanced Technology Partner of AWS – and having achieved the AWS Healthcare ISV Competency Designation – InterSystems continues to assert our position as a leader in interoperability and healthcare customer success,” said Don Woodlock, Head of Healthcare Solutions for InterSystems. “We welcome opportunities like these that encourage and enable interoperability for healthcare organizations looking to get the most out of their data.”

Transforming EHR Data to FHIR for Advanced Analytics and Decision Support

“With the use of the HealthShare Message Transformation Service by InterSystems and Amazon HealthLake, we will be able to access and transform molecular profile data from the EHR into FHIR to run advanced analytics and algorithms, providing clinical decision support to assist oncologists with personalized cancer treatment options,” said Philippe Faurie, Vice President of Professional Services at CureMatch™, Inc. a San Diego-based digital health company focused on personalized medicine and combination therapy in oncology.”

As the first official software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering from InterSystems, HealthShare Message Transformation Service promotes interoperability by making health data conversion more easily and securely accessible. It is delivered in an automated, single interface, making it easy to manage, consume, and scale.

Better Outcomes at Lower Cost

“Healthcare and life sciences organizations are increasingly looking to use health data more effectively to enable better health care outcomes by revealing relationships in data, discovering trends, and making precise predictions. However, the cost and operational complexity of this work is prohibitive to many organizations,” said Dr. Taha Kass-Hout, Director of Machine Learning at AWS. “With InterSystems as an Amazon HealthLake Connector Partner, customers who do not already have data in the FHIR format can leverage their offerings, such as InterSystems HealthShare Message Transformation Service, to translate legacy clinical data (e.g., HL7, CSV, CCA) and move it to Amazon HealthLake as standardized FHIR records. Amazon HealthLake enables customers to easily apply advanced analytics, making it easier for researchers and practitioners to collaborate and accelerate breakthroughs in treatments, discover health trends, and deliver a better experience and care for patients.”

InterSystems HealthShare Message Transformation Service is available via a consumption-based model, allowing organizations of any size or specialization to take advantage of the service and scale their use as needs fluctuate. This collaboration represents a deepening of the relationship between InterSystems and AWS, which includes the availability of InterSystems IRIS data platform on AWS Quick Start. InterSystems is also collaborating with AWS on their AWS for Health initiative, helping accelerate Health IT initiatives and simplify interoperability for healthcare organizations.

Read the full press release

This story originally appeared the HealthShare Connections News Flash No.7 – October 26, 2021

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