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Improve Care Delivery, Patient Outcomes, and Business Performance with InterSystems IntelliCare

Next-Generation, AI-Powered, Electronic Health Record System

Healthcare doctor nurse in business meeting

Streamline workflows, transform user experiences, and boost productivity with a unified, intelligent healthcare information system

InterSystems IntelliCare™ connects care teams across the healthcare ecosystem, making it easy to share information across facilities and organisations, improving safety, compliance, and patient satisfaction. Much more than just an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, the fully integrated, intelligent solution includes a comprehensive set of unified clinical, administrative, revenue cycle management, and departmental products with built-in AI functionality.

Advanced ambient listening and generative AI capabilities fundamentally transform the user experience, improving care quality, and increasing clinician productivity and satisfaction. More than an AI scribe, IntelliCare optimizes EHR workflows, helping providers free up time and improve focus. The solution also helps healthcare organizations eliminate operational inefficiencies, take action, and improve decision-making. All while promoting strict human-in-the-loop oversight for data accuracy and patient safety.

IntelliCare ships with localised content, helping speed up deployments and accelerate time-to-value. The flexible solution can be deployed in a modular fashion to meet the needs of any healthcare organisation, in any care setting.

nurse working on a computer in her office

The Challenge: Keeping Pace with Constant Change

Whether it’s supporting M&A activity, implementing new best-practice guidelines and government regulations, or adopting new technologies like AI, many healthcare IT organisations struggle to keep pace with rapidly evolving business requirements and the latest innovations. Many are hampered by disjointed systems and practices—silos of independent platforms that are inherently costly and difficult to extend and scale. These fragmented environments hinder IT agility, impede workflows, and impair patient care, staff productivity, and business performance.

The Solution: InterSystems IntelliCare Accelerates Healthcare IT Agility

IntelliCare is specifically designed to eliminate the inherent cost, complexity, and inefficiencies of traditional siloed healthcare IT environments. The standards-based solution connects disparate applications and systems, providing a single data model, a universal patient record, and consistent user experience across the entire healthcare ecosystem. IntelliCare breaks down adoption and interoperability barriers and helps improve business agility and accelerate the pace of innovation.

IntelliCare is built on proven solutions—InterSystems TrakCare® and InterSystems IRIS® for Health. A leader in healthcare interoperability, InterSystems has a long history of helping organisations improve clinical outcomes and drive revenues. IntelliCare introduces cutting-edge AI functionality to help healthcare delivery organisations improve insights, increase automation, and boost patient and business outcomes.

Key Features & Benefits of IntelliCare

Key Benefits

  • Improve patient care delivery
  • Boost business results
  • Streamline clinical, administrative, and business workflows
  • Increase insights and make data-driven decisions
  • Improve compliance, safety, and patient satisfaction
  • Accelerate time-to-value and business agility

Key Features

  • Suite of care settings, departments, and extension products
  • Adaptable, AI-assisted clinical documentation workflows that meet global standards
  • Built-in business management for labs, pharmacies, and revenue cycle
  • Analysis and decision-making tools
  • End-to-end revenue cycle management, AI-enabled coding
  • Unified medication management

An integral AI Assistant streamlines EHR interactions, reducing clinician frustration and burnout. Rather than navigating menus, providers simply enter natural language commands or select from predefined, customizable prompts to automatically display pertinent information or generate preformatted content. Clinicians can easily review and edit auto-generated summaries and remarks and add them to a patient record, along with captured images such as handwritten notes.

A built-in coding workbench suggests procedure and diagnosis coding, helping organizations avoid coding mistakes, improve compliance, accelerate revenues, and reduce operating expenses. And a companion mobile app lets providers record patient conversations and automatically generate encounter notes and summaries, while promoting human oversight and patient consent. The solution improves patient care and satisfaction by eliminating distractions and allowing providers to maintain eye contact throughout the consultation.


NHS Lothian launches scheduling app in under a month

Scotland’s National Health Service relies on InterSystems TrakCare, the same software foundation upon which InterSystems IntelliCare is built, to modernise clinical processes, improve patient care, and reduce costs across the country. The NHS scheduling application unifies healthcare in Scotland, streamlining workflows, improving information sharing, and standardising reporting.

NHS Lothian leveraged the InterSystems platform to quickly stand up the self-service scheduling app. Fully operational in just 28 days, the solution saved NHS Lothian 1000 FTE hours and £100,000 per quarter compared to the previous approach.

IntelliCare Advantages

Unified Platform
  • Improved patient safety and care coordination with a unified EHR and patient engagement
  • Customised treatment plans and better outcomes with real-time, AI-driven insights across the enterprise
  • Increased user productivity and satisfaction, and simplified training and support with AI-assisted UX
  • Intelligent AI Assistant with natural language commands streamlines EHR interactions and improves focus
  • Generative AI functionality with human oversight automates reporting, note-taking, and record-keeping
  • Advanced ambient listening capabilities free up time and improve clinician productivity
  • Integral AI functionality eliminates need for costly and complex third-party AI solutions
Open Technology
  • Simple integration with third-party solutions makes it easy to extend scope and import/export data across the healthcare ecosystem
  • Open, standards-based platform (RESTful APIs, IHE, HL7® FHIR®, CDA and more) facilitates data and information exchange, improves clinical processes and patient care
  • Easy interoperability, extensibility, and the InterSystems IntelliCare innovation foundation accelerates the pace of local innovation and improves responsiveness
Regional Versions
  • Preconfigured to meet regional needs; simplifies set-up, avoids duplication of effort, and accelerates time-to value
  • Local language support promotes adoption
  • Regional focus, expertise and product support accelerates success

Saudi Arabian hospital automates medication management workflows

King Khalid Eye Specialist Hospital in Saudi Arabia uses InterSystems TrakCare to optimise medication management workflows, eliminate manually intensive and error-prone processes, and improve productivity. The specialty hospital has reduced the time nurses and pharmacists spend clarifying physician orders by 80%.

InterSystems IntelliCare is available as a traditional software solution for on-premises or public cloud deployment, or as a SaaS solution for ultimate simplicity. To learn how InterSystems IntelliCare can help your organisation drive clinical and businessoutcomes, please visit

Any AI Tool or AI Functionality provided by InterSystems is subject to regulatory and clinical safety requirements and is not made fully available to all global markets. Please consult our AI ethics for more information on InterSystems approach to responsible AI and/or your InterSystems representative for any specific details on jurisdictional availability.

Not for sale in North America.

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