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InterSystems named as a North American Customers’ Choice in the June 2023 Gartner Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Cloud Database Management Systems

Gartner Research

Gartner Peer Insights Reviews are completed by InterSystems customers

Gartner Peer Insights Customers Choice 2023 - Deployment Region

Vendors placed in the upper-right quadrant of the segment quadrants are recognized through the Customers’ Choice Segment Distinction. InterSystems IRIS was highly rated by customers in the North American region. The data collected represents a top-level synthesis of vendor software products most valued by IT Enterprise professionals.

As of August 4, 2023, InterSystems customers have rated the InterSystems platform 4.6 starts or higher, out of 5, in the Cloud Database Management Systems market on Gartner Peer Insights™, 96% of those customers are saying that they will recommend InterSystems to their peers. The reviews include comments from our customers often highlighting InterSystems strength in Integration and Development, scalability and timely response of technical support.


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WEB Developer - Media InterSystems IRIS
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Systems Service Engineer - IT Services InterSystems IRIS
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Application Consultant - IT Services
InterSystems IRIS
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Engineer - Real Estate InterSystems IRIS
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Contribute Your Review

The “Voice of the Customer” is a document that synthesizes Gartner Peer Insights’ reviews into insights for IT decision makers focusing on direct customer experiences implementing and operating InterSystems solution.

If you are a current InterSystems customer, submit a Gartner Peer Insights review to claim a $25 gift card or donate to a charity.

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Gartner, Voice of the Customer for Cloud Database Management Systems, Peer Contributors, 29 May 2023. The Gartner Peer Insights Segment Customers’ Choice badge is a trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc., and/or its affiliates, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner Peer Insights content consists of the opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences with the vendors listed on the platform, should not be construed as statements of fact, nor do they represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in this content nor makes any warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this content, about its accuracy or completeness, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


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