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InterSystems IRIS FHIR Academy
FHIR up your InterSystems IRIS for Health skills

June 25, 2024


female developer working

HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) as the standard for healthcare interoperability within Belgium is becoming more common. However, the adoption of this new standard imposes challenges for hospitals. How can FHIR fit into an existing healthcare IT infrastructure? And how can a healthcare interoperability data platform as IRIS for Health help in some of the challenges hospitals face?

The aim of this one-day training is not to provide an extensive overview of the FHIR standard itself, although a short recap will be given, but to empower healthcare developers to address the challenges that are imposed by the adoption of FHIR. By the end of the day, participants will have practical experience of working with IRIS for Health and will have the knowledge of how it can be leveraged for FHIR use cases.

More specifically, we will look into::

  • How interoperability within IRIS for Health can FHIR-enable existing systems
  • How a FHIR Server can be set up as a FHIR repository or as a FHIR facade
  • How to secure your FHIR content using SMART on FHIR
  • How analytics can be done with data in FHIR

We will tackle these statements from a general point of view, but also provide a practical experience on how the interoperability features of IRIS for Health and its built-in FHIR server can be leveraged in each scenario by demos and hands-on exercises.


09:00-09:30 Welcome

09:30-10:15 Introduction on FHIR and its current use within Belgium
10:15-11:00 Introduction on IRIS for Health and its interoperability features
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-13:00 Connecting legacy systems (Exercise)

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-15:00 Setting up a FHIR Server (Exercise)
15:00-15:45 FHIR Facade or Repository: how to choose
15:45-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-17:00 SMART on FHIR and Analytics with FHIR

Practical Information

Are there any special requirements for participation?
  • No prior FHIR knowledge is required
  • Participants should bring their own laptop, instructions for pre-installation of IRIS for Health will follow after registration
In which language does the training take place?
This training will be in English.
When does the training take place?
The IRIS FHIR Academy will take place on June 25th, 2024
Where does it take place?
Medialaan 32 / 1
1800 Vilvoorde

How to get there?

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