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InterSystems IRIS Data Platform: The Cloud, DevOps, and Support

Airplane-level view of fluffy white and gray clouds in a turquoise-blue sky

Part of my role as a product manager on the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform team is to help our customers access the cloud with simple and intuitive tools. The launch of InterSystems IRIS, which is now generally available, represents the result of these efforts. Some of my colleagues have already shared their insights into the new data platform, and now is my chance to highlight how it’s streamlining cloud accessibility.

When it comes to the cloud, our customers want agility, flexibility, and independence. So, to help our customers accelerate and simplify their path to the cloud, InterSystems IRIS features a cloud manager that makes it easier to deploy, configure, and manage smarter applications in whatever cloud they prefer - AWS, GCP, Azure or private cloud - embracing a more cloud-like abstraction to components for a higher operational agility.

At InterSystems, we understand the importance of the cloud in today’s IT strategy and are dedicated to providing our customers with more cloud-agile processes. One way to improve the provisioning process for cloud-based resources and data is through the adoption of Docker containers, which can run in any environment. Containerization enables organizations to package an application in a portable container to speed up and simplify the deployment and configuration process. Code and data are stored separately, allowing customers to package their code cleanly in the container. When making application updates, new code can be up and running in the cloud very quickly and data is then naturally used with the new version. This means InterSystems IRIS can be much more easily featured in a modern DevOps provisioning pipeline process and can take advantage of the various modern CI/CD phases of the software factory pipeline. There is greater efficiency in automating and keeping distinct the provisioning phases (BUILD vs RUN).

InterSystems IRIS Data Platform is designed to help organizations adopt a containerized approach to application development. Software providers typically devote 90 percent of their attention to the application. But with containers, software developers don’t waste time setting up the application environment. They become more agile in their work and can more freely focus only on application development code. Subsequently, software developers can more easily cooperate with operational engineers as both work with the same artifact that is universally understood - the container.

InterSystems IRIS takes the leg work out of this cloud access, enabling software providers to focus on creating applications that meet their customers’ needs, leaving the operational side of things, including scaling and backup, to the cloud providers.

To learn more about the cloud aspects of InterSystems IRIS, please visit our Experiencefor cloud applications.


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