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The Business Value of Global Summit

attendees of Global Summit 2016 listening to a presentation in a large conference room

J2 Interactive has been an implementation partner of InterSystems for more than 13 years, and we’ve been at every Global Summit since 2006, back when it was known as DEVCON. The annual event has become a critically important part of our year, because it always provides us with opportunities and insights that have a lasting impact well after the show concludes.

Why are we so hooked?

In 2007, InterSystems was in the process of launching HealthShare, the company’s now-flagship platform for effective healthcare data sharing and strategic interoperability. The first HealthShare customer to go live, the Long Island Patient Information Exchange (LIPIX), introduced HealthShare as a credible and reliable data platform to the healthcare market. The 2007 Global Summit was a catalyst for cementing the business relationship with LIPIX, known today as Healthix, for both J2 and InterSystems.

Since LIPIX was such a large and strategic account, having all relevant parties in the same place at the same time allowed for a truly substantive conversation around a potential partnership. InterSystems product specialists, managers, and developers were all able to weigh in on the key applications of HealthShare for LIPIX, while the J2 team focused on best practices and implementation strategy. Because HealthShare was just launching, an influential user like LIPIX may never have signed on as an early adopter had this meeting of the minds not occurred. Today, Healthix is the largest public HIE in the U.S, and relies on HealthShare to serve a patient community of over 16 million.

So – why should you attend?

1.) What’s new and what’s next

Global Summit gives its attendees the unique opportunity to see a preview of just-announced and upcoming features for InterSystems customers. Even for J2, one of InterSystems’ most closely aligned partners, there are always new advancements and ideas that we’re able to take away and put to good use on our projects. For end users, the event is an opportunity to learn more about product capabilities that they might otherwise have missed – and go beyond informational sessions to get real hands-on experience with the technology.

2.) Making the connection

A major incentive to attending Global Summit is to meet potential partners and customers. Whether you walk out of the Summit with a plan for your next project, or start a conversation that leads to a new venture, the conference is a great way to meet the people that matter. In terms of InterSystems representation, you’ll find everyone from senior management to support staff at the Summit, giving you the opportunity to meet with people who understand your business at every level and are ready to help you achieve your goals. There’s no better opportunity than Global Summit to solve problems and make connections that will help you build a successful future.

3.) A vibrant ecosystem

How often do you have the chance to spend time with a company you depend upon, and see its entire user community in one place?  We’ve found Global Summit to be the best opportunity to take full advantage of the entire InterSystems diverse and varied ecosystem. Customers are able to see first-hand how their peers are using InterSystems products to tackle challenges similar to their own. The sheer multitude of customers and variety of use cases you’ll encounter are sure to spark some new ideas of your own.

With Global Summit 2017 less than one month away, all of us at J2 are excited to see what opportunities and ideas comes come from this year’s event. Hope to see you there!

About Mickey Yalon – Vice President and Chief Technology Officer

Mickey Yalon has over 20 years of expertise in large-scale systems architecture, application development, and integration projects both inside and outside the healthcare industry. As Vice President and CTO of J2 Interactive, Mickey is responsible for overseeing all of J2’s software development and system implementation efforts.

From the beginning, Mickey has been the lead architect and developer on J2’s most important and challenging projects, and he still takes a direct, hands-on role in making our clients successful. Within the HealthShare user community, Mickey is recognized as one of the pre-eminent solution architects, having helped InterSystems and its clients design and implement innovative technology strategies for health information exchange, EMR interoperability, accountable care, and analytics.


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