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Leveraging Data Management Partnerships for Enhanced Supply Chain Solutions with InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator™

Bloor InPerspective Brief


bloor inperspective

In today's global marketplace, supply chain management plays a pivotal role in the success of businesses across various industries and, with the increasing complexity and interconnectedness of supply chain networks, the demand for efficient and effective solutions continues to rise.

Independent software vendors (ISVs) and systems integrators (SIs), working closely with organizations with supply chain challenges, are at the forefront of meeting these demands. However, for these technology vendors to provide a comprehensive solution to their customers they will need to ensure they are agile as technologies and customer demands evolve and mostly differentiate themselves from the wash of available supply chain solutions. In such cases, building and maintaining partnerships with key technology and service providers is a critical element in being able to truly excel in developing differentiated supply chain solutions.

Paul Bevan, Navigator, Research Director: IT Infrastructure

While supply chains may be reliant on oil to keep them moving physically, data is critical to the flow of information that optimizes them for timeliness, cost effectiveness, agility and reliability. Managing that data involves far more than having an effective database management system.

This InPerspective paper will focus on the importance of data management in the development of supply chain solutions in general, the particular strengths of InterSystems technology solutions and the perspective of three key InterSystems partners on how InterSystems technology has added value not only to their overall solution stack, but to the organization overall.

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