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Supporting Healthcare with Ethical Advanced Technology

Marshfield Clinic Health System

Clinical Workflow, Doctors, Hospital, Data Management

Mitchell Kwiatkowski, Chief Data & Analytics Officer at Marshfield Clinic Health System, explains the company’s IT overhaul and how AI can be used ethically.

In working on Marshfield’s interoperability, InterSystems has acted as a vital hub. “InterSystems has really been the foundation of our ability to meet mandates on our health plan side and allow health plan members access to their information through an app of their choosing,” Kwiatkowski explains. “They’re also used as our engine for moving data within internal to external systems.

“We’ve also used InterSystems as a means to store a lot of older records. Perhaps they’re digitised from older EHRs as we’ve moved over to the new system, or as patients move into our system and bring records over; we use it to store those and make them available. We can make that data interoperable as well, and with interoperability, there are often challenges even with the EHR vendors where they don’t always give you everything you want to be able to move. InterSystems has helped us plug that gap and they not only meet regulatory requirements, but support a lot of those business cases that help streamline patient care for us.”


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