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Delivering Healthcare Software Solutions, Wherever Your Business Takes You

Health Data Aggregation

Asian businessman working from home,  using smartphone and drinking coffee

CUSTOMER: Jonda Health

CHALLENGE: Make diverse and non-standardized healthcare data more accessible and usable by patients, clinicians, and labs

OUTCOME: Data transformation and sharing with semantic interoperability for healthcare data providers and consumers; simplified health data aggregation and management for patients on their own devices

Dr. Suhina Singh, a physician grappling with her own health challenges, found managing and sharing her medical documentation overwhelming. This experience inspired her to co-found Jonda Health. “Even as a doctor, getting a comprehensive overview of my health records was a challenge,” shares Singh, CEO of Jonda Health.

Daniel Wang, CTO and co-founder, also recognized the persistent issue of data interoperability and usability in healthcare from their extensive experience in healthcare IT. “The industry has been burdened by this problem for decades,” Wang notes. “With Jonda Health’s vision and the advent of AI, we saw an opportunity to make health data usable, accessible, and transparent. This prompted me out of retirement as the potential to make a difference is huge, and incredibly meaningful.”

Jonda App: Simplifying Patient Data Management

Jonda Health’s journey began with the development of the Jonda app, leveraging InterSystems IRIS® for Health™ to aggregate health data into a single, patient-controlled platform. This app is particularly beneficial for individuals with chronic conditions, enabling them to manage and share their health data effectively.

The Jonda app’s capabilities extend to scanning text from paper documents, ingesting PDFs, and aggregating data from various healthcare sources, all securely stored in the Jonda cloud with end-to-end encryption. Powered by InterSystems IRIS for Health, Jonda Health’s transformation engine supports AI routines that standardize data into a common structure, maintaining semantic integrity during sharing.

Dr. Suhina Singh
CEO, Jonda Health

Solving for Semantic Interoperability with JondaX

Through development and support of the Jonda app, Jonda Health found that the most challenging data to handle came from laboratories, especially blood biomarker data. “A lot of systems we see, especially in emerging markets, use custom diagnostic codes instead of the standards, like SNOMED and LOINC,” says Wang. “Even units of measurement are a problem. In the US, a CDC-sponsored study of 30 labs looked at white blood cell count – just one biomarker – and found 58 different units of measurement.” This led to the creation of Jonda’s second product, JondaX.

JondaX is a versatile, low-code data transformation engine. It accepts inputs ranging from traditional data formats to PDFs and images, converting them into the naming conventions and units of a client’s choice to address their data harmonization needs. The file format is then transformed into a client’s desired output type (such as HL7® FHIR,® HL7,® and others) to fit their unique needs, making it easily consumable. The transformation engine acts as system-agnostic middleware and is easy to deploy. “Think of it like having different electrical outlets in different parts of the world,” says Wang. “Instead of forcing everyone to switch over to a standard 2-prong power outlet, JondaX is a “power adapter” that anyone can use, without having to change their lab equipment or existing software systems.”

“In our market, semantic interoperability – ensuring that meaning is not lost in translation – is a challenge and solving for it is fundamental to unlocking the power of health data ,” Singh explains.

Elevating Patient Care through Data Usability

Demand for JondaX has opened a new business-to-business revenue channel for Jonda Health. Wang, a veteran entrepreneur, is confident that the data platform they’ve chosen will help them continue to expand and grow. “I’ve found over the years that working with InterSystems makes getting from concept to product easier and faster,” Wang says. “And I know that no matter what the demand, our software will deliver the performance and scalability our customers need. I haven’t found another system as scalable, fast, or secure as InterSystems IRIS for Health.”

Dr. Singh looks forward to a future where Jonda Health’s solutions play a crucial role in creating a more integrated healthcare experience. “Our goal is to make health data more accessible and meaningful,” she says, “ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes.”

Daniel Wang
CTO and Co-Founder, Jonda Health

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