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update texware GmbH supports textile manufacturers with solutions for production data acquisition, business intelligence, and much more

Digitalization in the textile industry

Clothing Store Employee

PROJECT: InterSystems IRIS serves as the data platform foundation for the texware/Monitoring production data acquisition solution from update texware GmbH.

CHALLENGE: Setting up an innovative, comprehensive, and continually up-to-date infrastructure for the BI capability of update texware GmbH’s solutions.

OUTCOME: InterSystems has been supplying update texware GmbH with the foundation for its products for almost 20 years. Users of update texware GmbH’s Monitoring solution get a 360-degree view of their data and can adjust monitoring parameters without programming knowledge, thanks in part to the InterSystems IRIS dashboard.

For more than 40 years, update texware GmbH has been developing and selling business software for the entire value chain of textile companies.

The software experts support their customers in various ways, including with products for production data acquisition (monitoring), business intelligence, data communication, and enterprise resource planning (ERP). update texware GmbH relies on the InterSystems IRIS® data platform as the basis for many of its solutions – and has done so for almost 20 years.

Textile manufacturers typically have several hundred machines in operation. Even if each of these machines were to supply only one piece of information per second, such as its own speed, there would soon be an overwhelming amount of data. In reality, the machines capture much more information. These huge volumes of data from textile manufacturers’ machinery need to be processed efficiently to take full advantage of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The texware/Monitoring and texware/DeepSee solutions from update texware GmbH are key products when it comes to helping companies monitor their data.

Currently, more than 200 customers on four continents rely on the expertise offered by the German software specialists. The company also provides them with ERP software for the entire value chain of the textile and apparel industry through the texware/CS solution. “We have also set the goal of helping companies that are still working with machines from the pre-digital age to get started with IIoT. That’s why we use retrofitting as a way of integrating old systems into the IT infrastructure,” explains Dr. Michael Schiffmann, Managing Director of update texware GmbH. “This gives textile manufacturers access to even more data so they can successfully position themselves in the competitive marketplace.”

One data platform for three different applications

update texware GmbH is one of the few service providers on the market offering an app for mobile devices that immediately notifies employees of any downtime via push notification and then lets them determine the reason at the machine. This app is just one component of the texware/Monitoring production data acquisition solution from update texware GmbH. It enables textile manufacturers to monitor every part of their production plants in real time, including for the purposes of quality assurance or failure detection. Extensive information is recorded to this end, including the type of product, number of revolutions, stops, and environmental influences in the factory premises that have the potential to affect product quality, such as humidity.

In addition, texware/Monitoring can create a comprehensive catalog of all previous events on the factory floor. This makes it easier for textile manufacturers to identify potential areas for improvement, making their production significantly more efficient. The software is now used in conjunction with more than 600 machines worldwide. It allows textile manufacturers to collect, exchange, and analyze the enormous amounts of data from their machinery – and, unlike many competitors, they have already taken the step into the age of IIoT as a result.

Dr. Michael Schiffmann
Managing Director
update texware GmbH

A reliable partner with a powerful, scalable solution for data management was required to enable the operation and data communication of the Monitoring solution as well as two other products, including a straightforward connection to texware/CS. The product also needed to offer innovative features and round-the-clock service. For almost 20 years, the medium-sized company has relied on solutions from InterSystems to meet these needs – currently on the InterSystems IRIS data platform.

A strong foundation: InterSystems IRIS

InterSystems IRIS is a data platform that serves as the foundation of a data fabric. This is a structure of connections between many different data sources that ensures comprehensive interoperability, thereby simplifying and accelerating access to information. Data from internal and external sources can be quickly merged, cleansed, and harmonized.

The smart data fabric represents an evolution of this concept and, among other things, includes integrated functions for data analysis. In addition, InterSystems IRIS enables the use of optional features such as Adaptive Analytics, which update texware GmbH also uses. This allows update texware GmbH’s customers to unlock the full potential of their data with the help of InterSystems IRIS.

update texware GmbH offers texware/DeepSee – a solution that enables BI analyses in real time – in conjunction with the Monitoring software. texware/EDI also provides textile manufacturers with a powerful platform for exchanging business data, which they can use to handle all ERP-related communication, for example with their customers’ and suppliers’ systems. Both texware/DeepSee and texware/EDI use InterSystems IRIS as their foundation.

Dr. Michael Schiffmann explains: “When it comes to the foundation for our solutions, we not only need a data platform that can quickly and reliably store, cleanse, and analyze vast amounts of data that’s updated every second in various formats – it also has to let us integrate functions that support the BI capability of our products, deliver a wide range of technologies, and always be up to date in terms of security. InterSystems IRIS gives us all this in one platform.”

The InterSystems data platform speeds and simplifies all four capabilities of data integration, data ingestion, embedded analytics and embedded interoperability into a single capability platform using a smart data fabric architecture to enable our IIOT operational effectiveness.

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