Cadena de abastecimiento y logística
Descubra cómo los líderes del sector confían en la tecnología de InterSystems para conseguir una cadena de suministro ágil y robusta.
feb 01, 2023
Unifying Fragmented Systems
VNF was able to unify seven different information systems while providing agility and responsiveness.
may 25, 2022
Optimizing the Supply Chain
Customers rely on InterSystems technology to improve business results by enabling better decision-making and providing accurate real-time visibility and traceability across their supply chains.
ago 11, 2021
Inventory Management
Mondial Tissus is a market leader and the largest network of fabric and sewing supply stores in France. Portraying itself as a 39-year-old start-up, it operates a network of 100 stores serving eight million customers each year. Its sales floors are conceived as inspirational spaces filled with a large assortment of sewing and knitting products.
jul 14, 2021
Digitial Transformation
As Japan’s largest wholesaler of cosmetics, daily necessities, and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, PALTAC plays an indispensable role in moving 50,000 items from 1,000 manufacturers to 400 retailers operating 50,000 stores, when and where they’re needed. PALTAC has long focused on internal development work — which accounts for 70% of all its information systems — to give its supply chain capabilities a competitive edge.
mar 16, 2018
Key Benefits High Performance Scalability 24x7 reliability Whitbread Food Supply Chain, the operation responsible for warehousing and distribution for the Whitbread Group's hotels and restaurants, distributes some 300,000 cases of supplies a week to over 1,700 outlets. Powering the company's supply chain management system is Caché, InterSystems' innovative post-relational database. Cache's multidimensional technology ensures that the complex data needed to handle the task efficiently is easily managed and speedily accessed.
may 18, 2021
The InterSystems IRIS data platform provides the infrastructure for the development and easy deployment of updates to the pharmacy software awintaONE® Containers are revolutionizing agile IT development environments as an innovative option for deploying and homogeneously managing software solutions. A good example of this is provided by awinta GmbH, the market leader for pharmacy software in Germany. For the continuous development of its awintaONE software, the company relies on containerization as part of the InterSystems® solution portfolio. This makes it possible to solve all programming requirements “out of the box” and provide pharmacy users with the most modern merchandise management system in the industry.
Servicios financieros
Lea por qué las instituciones financieras de mayor éxito del mundo utilizan nuestra tecnología para afrontar sus retos más difíciles.
ago 03, 2020
Rathbones utiliza InterSystems para entregar escalabilidad, confiabilidad y alto rendimiento que soporta un crecimiento rápido
dic 14, 2020
El software de InterSystems entrega procesamiento en tiempo real ultraconfiable y a escala
dic 14, 2020
Cambiar desde una base de datos relacional a la plataforma de datos de InterSystems da espacio para el crecimiento
jun 05, 2023
Harris Associates
InterSystems TotalView For Asset Management delivers the insights needed to improve portfolio returns, boost client engagement, reduce risk, and improve operational efficiencies.
may 21, 2019
The customer management application must support the ability to answer ad-hoc queries about an end customer’s assets The same system must support the ability to report traceability to show that trades were in compliance The customer management application must scale dynamically and respond to queries in milliseconds, not seconds The underlying database must be able to handle big data volumes (TBs) of trade data from across the firm The underlying system must scale with increasing demands of velocity, variety, and volume of data The system must reduce infrastructure costs
nov 09, 2020
Financial Center First Credit Union
Member Campaign Speaks to Current Crisis, Builds on Credit Union’s Pillars
Ciencias de la salud y de la vida
Descubra cómo los clientes aprovechan nuestras soluciones de salud para impulsar la innovación, avanzar en el conocimiento y prestar asistencia.
ago 31, 2023
Healthcare Providers
Surprisingly, the top three indicators of life expectancy in the U.S. for a given population are per capita nursing home residency, mental health challenges, and prevalence of tooth loss¹. The income level, access to care, stress, and other social factors behind these indicators have a greater impact on health than genetics or access to healthcare services². However, historically, social determinants of health have not received enough attention in clinical care.
jul 13, 2023
Integration Across the Delivery Network (IDN)
The developers at this large U.S. integrated delivery network (IDN) have no patience for integration engines that mindlessly do one job and one job only. Since replacing an old engine with InterSystems integration technology over a decade ago, the IDN has seen InterSystems solutions solve multiple problems to power growth, save employee time, and reduce costs. In one project alone, InterSystems saved them $100,000. Other examples of benefits delivered using InterSystems integration technology include:
ago 23, 2018
Programa de sistema para que los hospitales otorguen a los usuarios autorizados acceso inmediato a una mejor información administrativa y clínica a partir de un sistema de información estándar sobre asistencia médica. El propósito del programa es mejorar el cuidado del paciente, modernizar los procesos clínicos y fomentar maneras rentables de trabajo. Es una parte estratégica de la transformación de la e-health perteneciente al Gobierno de Escocia para fortalecer el NHS escocés del siglo 21 y proporcionar atención eficaz, asequible y igualitaria., que aumenta la eficiencia, mejora la seguridad, Optimiza la gestión de niveles de servicio y el cuidado del paciente.
nov 04, 2022
Inpatient-level of Care at Home
A private hospital group in the Middle East is bringing the hospital to patients at home. The care team uses in-home devices to monitor patients and a phone app to deliver device and patient-generated data to its EMR. The physicians and nurses making virtual house calls have all the information they need, using familiar software, for optimal, personalized care.
dic 20, 2022
ROI and a Healthier Population
The Rhodes Group HCV algorithm and communications using InterSystems HealthShare helps New Mexico managed care organizations avoid millions of dollars in penalties for missing HCV treatment targets