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Advisory: Custom SDA Streamlet with Custom DataType May Adversely Affect Clinical Messaging

This problem affects the following products:

  • HealthShare Unified Care Record®, all versions earlier than 2024.1:
    • 15.03
    • 2018.1
    • 2019.1
    • 2019.2
    • 2020.1
    • 2020.2
    • 2021.1
    • 2021.2
    • 2022.1
    • 2022.2
    • 2023.1
    • 2023.2


  • Extending the SDA with a custom streamlet that uses a custom datatype.

If you extend the SDA with a custom streamlet that uses a custom datatype then it may affect information type filtering for the standard datatype that the custom streamlet extends.

This is because the GetAllInfo()Types method incorrectly built the mapping of InfoTypes to a custom class.

When these conditions are met, data with the standard datatype will be missing from clinical messaging documents generated for subscriptions. For example, if the custom streamlet with a custom datatype extends lab order, then lab orders will be missing from clinical messaging documents.

The correction for this defect is identified as HSIEC-9060 which is included in version 2024.1 and later product releases. It is also available for older versions via ad hoc change file (patch) or full kit.


Latest Alerts & Advisories

mar 04, 2025
This problem affects the following products: