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Risk & Safety Alert HS2024-03: Multiple Alerts for InterSystems IRIS for Health, Health Connect and HealthShare Solutions

There are four alerts in the HS2024-03 Alert Communication. A summary of each alert is shown below. Details for each alert are contained in the linked document.

After Operating System Upgrade, HealthShare Instance May Require Upgrade

Products and Versions Affected

  • InterSystems IRIS® for Health 2021.2 and higher
  • HealthShare® Health Connect 2021.2 and higher
  • All HealthShare® Solutions products, version 2022.2 and higher:
    Care Community, Clinical Viewer, Health Insight, Healthcare Action Engine, Patient Index, Personal Community, Provider Directory, Unified Care Record

Risk Category

Risk Score
4 – High Risk

With FHIR Interoperability Productions, Bearer Token String Is Visible in Message Viewer and FSLOG

Products and Versions Affected

  • InterSystems IRIS for Health versions 2021.1 ̶ 2024.1

Risk Category

Risk Score
3 – Medium Risk

OnSystemStartup Methods not Run on Upgrade in Mirrored FHIR Systems

Products and Versions Affected

  • InterSystems IRIS for Health 2023.x
  • HealthShare Unified Care Record 2024.1

Risk Category & Score

Risk Score
3 – Medium Risk

Clinical Consent Policies not Properly Evaluated with Custom-named Streamlets

Products and Versions Affected

  • HealthShare Unified Care Record:
    All versions up-to-and-including 2024.1

Risk Category

Risk Score
3 – Medium Risk


If you have any questions regarding this alert, please contact the Worldwide Response Center (WRC).