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InterSystems 2024全球峰会
2024年6 月9日 -12 日--马里兰州,国家港

一年一度的医疗行业领导者会议(Healthcare Leadership Conference)是 InterSystems 为希望探索信息技术在快速变化的行业中的作用的医疗行业高管举办的重要活动。 在这次会议上,您将有独特的机会进行交流、分享,并了解世界各地的同行是如何通过统一的健康档案将整个医疗健康生态系统中的信息整合在一起的。

这次会议将与全球峰会的其他活动相辅相成,尽量减少重叠。 医疗行业领导者会议结束后,与会者可以选择参加全球峰会的所有会议和国际学习计划(International Study Program),后者有限制条件。


在上午令人振奋的 "医疗领域的人工智能 "主题会议之后,我们将利用下午的时间探讨技术在一般层面如何帮助/阻碍人类的医疗体验。 在患者与通常被视为优质医疗服务标志的同理心、同情心和个人接触之间,是否存在隔阂? 这是否会使医疗服务更容易获得、更有效? 对医疗领导者来说,这如何影响我们的决策?



医疗行业领导者会议不收取注册费,但出席医疗行业领导者会议需受邀参加。 (注:虽然会议不收取注册费,但参会者需自行承担酒店和旅行费用)


Request an Invitation

Note: This is not an event registration form.
The Healthcare Leadership Conference is by invitation only. To request an invitation, please complete the form or contact us at

** By checking here, you give consent to be contacted for news, updates and other marketing purposes related to existing and future InterSystems products and events. In addition, you consent to your business contact information being entered into our CRM solution that is hosted in the United States, but maintained consistent with applicable data protection laws.
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Note: This is not an event registration form.
The Healthcare Leadership Conference is by invitation only. To request an invitation, please complete the form or contact us at

** By checking here, you give consent to be contacted for news, updates and other marketing purposes related to existing and future InterSystems products and events. In addition, you consent to your business contact information being entered into our CRM solution that is hosted in the United States, but maintained consistent with applicable data protection laws.


  • Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems (AMDIS)
  • Bangkok Dusit Medical Services(泰国)
  • Baystate Health Systems
  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • Cedars-Sinai Health System
  • Centro Hospitalario Vilanova de Gaia(葡萄牙)
  • 儿童医院协会(Children’s Hospital Association)
  • Coventry Health Care, Inc.
  • Faculty Hospital Brno Bohunice(捷克共和国)
  • Fimlab Laboratories Ltd. (芬兰)
  • 智利卫生部(Health Ministry of Chile)
  • Healthfirst
  • Hixny
  • Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein(巴西)
  • Hunterdon Healthcare System
  • Illinois Office of Health information Technology
  • Inera(瑞典)
  • IPC The Hospitalist Company
  • Janssen Research and Development (比利时)
  • Jersey Health and Social Services(英国)
  • Johns Hopkins Hospital
  • Kettering Medical Center
  • Massachusetts General Hospital
  • MemorialCare Health System
  • Missouri Health Connection
  • Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (日本)
  • National Health Laboratory Services(南非)
  • New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
  • Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine(俄罗斯)
  • North Shore-LIJ Health System
  • Oregon Health & Science University
  • Partners HealthCare
  • Rhode Island Quality Institute
  • Seattle Children’s
  • Spectrum Health
  • Sultan Qaboos University Hospital(阿曼)
  • Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services(澳大利亚)
  • Texas Health Services Authority
  • 美国退伍军人事务部
  • 和睦家医疗集团(中国)
  • University Hospital of Ghent (比利时)
  • University of California, Davis Medical Center