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Bloor Research: Data Fabric Overview

Spotlight by Bloor

Executive Summary

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A data fabric is an architecture for data management involving a virtual layer of software that documents the location of data throughout the enterprise, and then serves up that data on demand in response to user queries. It differs from approaches such as data warehouses in that it leaves data in situ rather than gathering it together into a central hub. Instead, queries are executed in a distributed fashion, on demand.

Data fabric is a growing area and dozens of vendors claim to support it, with tools ranging from data catalogs to "knowledge graphs” to artificial intelligence. The industry appears to be in an early adopter phase at this point, with considerable excitement and marketing activity by vendors, and rather fewer documented case studies of non-anonymous companies with customer testimonials and quantified business benefits. As Bloor researches this area further it will investigate the current state of the data fabric industry, getting beneath the PowerPoint layer of the software and into the reality.

In This Report

Download the Bloor Spotlight and learn more about:

  • What is a data fabric?
  • Why should you care?
  • What is the benefit?
  • The solution
  • Summary
Andy Hayler
Practice Leader: Data as an Asset
Bloor Research


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