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Building Your GenAI Application on InterSystems

White Paper

Portrait of man looking on blue screen lit with binary code

Revolutionizing How You Use Health Data

Generative AI applications represent a transformative leap in artificial intelligence, enabling systems to create new content, ideas, or solutions rather than merely analyzing or reacting to existing data. These applications are powered by models like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Transformer-based architectures such as GPT and BERT, which can generate human-like text, images, music, and even complex designs. From personalized marketing content and product recommendations to automated video production and code generation, the versatility of Generative AI is revolutionizing industries by delivering hyper-customized, scalable, and creative outputs at unprecedented speeds.

In healthcare, examples abound. Generative AI allows providers to automatically transcribe and summarize conversations with patients. It enables researchers to efficiently scan, summarize, and query large pools of information. And it aids in drug discovery by simulating biomolecules and predicting how they fit together. By combining this innovation with robust data platforms, healthcare workers and businesses can unlock new possibilities, ranging from multi-modal AI systems that integrate text, images, and speech, to enhanced decision-making processes based on generative insights.

InterSystems IRIS® for Health is a comprehensive platform for building and scaling Generative AI healthcare applications by seamlessly integrating robust data management, high-performance analytics, and real-time health informatics interoperability capabilities. Its multi-model database supports structured, unstructured, and multi-modal data, making it ideal for the diverse data requirements of Generative AI. It supports massive scalability through efficient caching, partitioning, and sharding.

Download the guide to learn more.


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Apr 23, 2021
From December 2020 to January 2021, InterSystems disseminated an online survey to TrakCare users in premier private hospitals and clinics as part of a collaborative post-implementation evaluation program to help customers understand clinician perceptions of their TrakCare Electronic Medical Record system. This program is one of many designed to enable customers to optimize their use of TrakCare and maximize the value from their investment.


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