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Conducting Telehealth Consultations Using Skype Without Leaving TrakCare


Conducting Telehealth Consultations Using Skype TrakCare-chart
Telehealth consultation workflow in TrakCare

Many of our customers have quickly expand their ability to meet virtually with patients — and many regions have relaxed privacy restrictions to enable this. As a result, we have made it possible to use Skype from within normal TrakCare workflows for both audio and video consultations. We have intentionally kept this first iteration simple. The solution can be quickly implemented and allows the clinician to open a Skype session with patient context using the patient’s personal Skype ID. This is a cost-effective and quick solution that works in the absence of a dedicated teleconferencing platform. The video below demonstrates the solution, which can be quickly implemented from TrakCare T2018.

Our guiding principle for this solution is to keep it simple so that our clients can implement it in a matter of hours or days where required. We plan to add additional functionality over time and may add support for additional technologies based on customer feedback.

A quick demonstration of TrakCare integration to Skype for the purposes of telehealth is available.

For more information, or to provide your feedback, please contact your InterSystems representative.


This article originally appeared the April 3, 2020 - OnTrak News Flash No.1: The Fight Against COVID-19 newsletter


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