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Empowering Line of Business Users Through Data Democratization

A survey of 250 financial leaders

How financial firms can use enterprise data to drive actionable insights across their business teams.

Executive Summary

Empowering Line of Business Users Through Data Democratization

Modern data management technology enables organizations to aggregate data from multiple, siloed sources into a consistent structure and context. This has led to numerous innovations in various industries. In the finance industry, data management executives have used the technology to break down silos, improve data quality, and deliver more meaningful insights to the organization.

To further optimize enterprise knowledge, finance organizations must be able to easily share, interpret, and capitalize on enterprise data, regardless of the user’s level of technical skill. The latest advances in technology make enterprise data available to many types of roles in the organization—whether they are technical or non-technical users—allowing for more insights, more trust, and better decisions.

Based on the results of a survey of 250 financial leaders, this report explores how finance organizations are leveraging modern data management technologies to provide their teams with broader, easier data access. Here, readers will learn what challenges and solutions exist on the path to data democratization in the finance industry.


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