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Icons Inform Clinicians about COVID-19


We have updated and expanded the icons that inform clinicians about the COVID-19 screening and diagnosis status of patients based on feedback from the early adopters of the functionality. Five icons are now available; customers can choose to implement some or all of them depending on local care practices and use of the screening assessment questionnaire.

COVID-19 graphics used to denote patient status

Optionally, customers can integrate with ICNET Clinical Surveillance Software from Baxter for those customers who use this solution. In this case, the infection control alerts received from ICNET can trigger the ‘Positive COVID 19’ infection Alert in TrakCare.

The typical workflow would be that laboratory systems send results to ICNET, which automatically creates alerts on receipt of positive results. Alternatively, alerts can be manually entered into ICNET as part of standard operating procedures for managing COVID-19. In either case, the integration allows the TrakCare Alerts to be automatically generated via ICNET interface, eliminating the need to manually enter these in TrakCare.


This article originally appeared the April 3, 2020 - OnTrak News Flash No.1: The Fight Against COVID-19 newsletter


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Apr 23, 2021
From December 2020 to January 2021, InterSystems disseminated an online survey to TrakCare users in premier private hospitals and clinics as part of a collaborative post-implementation evaluation program to help customers understand clinician perceptions of their TrakCare Electronic Medical Record system. This program is one of many designed to enable customers to optimize their use of TrakCare and maximize the value from their investment.


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