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Unifying Data to Accelerate Supply Chain Transformation for Competitive Advantage

IDC Spotlight Report

Increased capabilities in supply chain management and decision intelligence tools, along with complex tech stacks, have put a premium on the ability to integrate, synthesize, and use disparate data for faster transformations and long-living business benefits.


In the quest to drive a more responsive and efficient supply chain, transformation efforts often bog down due to poor data access or quality. Improving the cost, speed, and efficiency of data acquisition and utilization in the supply chain is not just a priority but the core enabler of competitive performance.

Supply chains remain under pressure to be more resilient to disruption and cost-efficient, with almost all organizations on a longer-term digital transformation journey. However, these transformation efforts frequently languish because of limited access to key data, the need to source data from multiple internal and external sources, or poor integration between key systems.

Key Takeaways
  • Poor or insufficient data can slow or diminish the impact of supply chain transformation efforts.
  • Conversely, more complete, higher-quality data can accelerate time to value for transformation projects.
  • Data access drives value for supply chain organizations and the ISVs that sell applications to industry.


Jul 14, 2023
UST Omni is a supply chain management platform, powered by InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator, that uses predictive analytics to help companies improve visibility, reduce inventory, and improve customer service. InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator is a real-time data platform providing the speed, scalability, and reliability that are essential for managing complex supply chains.
Jul 14, 2023
Global Summit Keynote
Building an Integrated Supply Chain for Competitive Advantage Keynote at Global Summit 2023


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