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了解行业领导者如何依靠 InterSystems 技术实现灵活而有弹性的供应链。
7月 23, 2020
7月 23, 2020
SPAR Austria公司位于萨尔茨堡,是全球最大的食品零售店联盟SPAR旗下的一员,在奥地利拥有800多家门店以及600多家批发商,年销售额达40亿欧元。SPAR Austria公司希望拥有一套端到端的企业资源计划(ERP)与销售点终端(POS)系统,以帮助本地门店经理管理库存。经过仔细研究后,该公司决定选择基于InterSystems数据平台的IMAge(零售企业集成管理应用程序)。
7月 23, 2020
地中海航运公司(MSC)是全球第二大航运公司,其船队每年运输1200多万个集装箱,在大约270个港口进行装船和清关。对MSC而言,处理运输和相关流程链的过程非常复杂,不仅受恶劣天气、罢工等不可控因素的影响,同时还要处理海量的数据和信息,包括:原产地证、货品所有权文件、海运单、提单、商业发票和海关发票,以及装箱单等。MSC日内瓦办公室的中央IT系统每天必须处理和验证30多万宗交易的电子数据。MSC的目标是实时处理海量数据,如此一来,客户便可使用基于网络的跟踪与追溯(Tracking and Tracing)系统工具查看其货物的当前状态。
2月 02, 2023
Unifying Fragmented Systems
VNF was able to unify seven different information systems while providing agility and responsiveness.
8月 11, 2021
Inventory Management
Mondial Tissus is a market leader and the largest network of fabric and sewing supply stores in France. Portraying itself as a 39-year-old start-up, it operates a network of 100 stores serving eight million customers each year. Its sales floors are conceived as inspirational spaces filled with a large assortment of sewing and knitting products.


5月 15, 2019
风险是投资中固有的,将风险最小化是基金经理的共同目标。MFS投资管理公司(MFS Investment Management®)是一家总部位于马萨诸塞州波士顿的全球资产管理公司,为全球客户管理超过4,100亿美元的资产。在MFS这个级别上进行资产运作时,任何交易错误都可能产生重大的、昂贵的后果。
6月 06, 2023
Harris Associates
InterSystems TotalView For Asset Management delivers the insights needed to improve portfolio returns, boost client engagement, reduce risk, and improve operational efficiencies.
11月 09, 2020
Financial Center First Credit Union
Member Campaign Speaks to Current Crisis, Builds on Credit Union’s Pillars
11月 17, 2021
Major International Investment Bank
Enables Real-Time Capabilities, Advanced Analytics, and Scalability
3月 29, 2022
Global Financial Technology Leader
A $5-billion global fintech leader handling $7TN of fixed income and equities securities trades per day, needed a better way to manage and distribute growing volumes of data.

医疗健康 & 生命科学

9月 01, 2023
Healthcare Providers
Surprisingly, the top three indicators of life expectancy in the U.S. for a given population are per capita nursing home residency, mental health challenges, and prevalence of tooth loss¹. The income level, access to care, stress, and other social factors behind these indicators have a greater impact on health than genetics or access to healthcare services². However, historically, social determinants of health have not received enough attention in clinical care.
7月 14, 2023
Integration Across the Delivery Network (IDN)
The developers at this large U.S. integrated delivery network (IDN) have no patience for integration engines that mindlessly do one job and one job only. Since replacing an old engine with InterSystems integration technology over a decade ago, the IDN has seen InterSystems solutions solve multiple problems to power growth, save employee time, and reduce costs. In one project alone, InterSystems saved them $100,000. Other examples of benefits delivered using InterSystems integration technology include:
11月 05, 2022
Inpatient-level of Care at Home
A private hospital group in the Middle East is bringing the hospital to patients at home. The care team uses in-home devices to monitor patients and a phone app to deliver device and patient-generated data to its EMR. The physicians and nurses making virtual house calls have all the information they need, using familiar software, for optimal, personalized care.
12月 21, 2022
ROI and a Healthier Population
The Rhodes Group HCV algorithm and communications using InterSystems HealthShare helps New Mexico managed care organizations avoid millions of dollars in penalties for missing HCV treatment targets
8月 14, 2018
和睦家医院(UFH)是中国最大的美 资医疗机构,它建立的初衷是 “把全球最好的医疗理念带入中国,创造以患者为中心的家庭式就医环境,通过最先进医疗技术,传递温暖的医疗服务理念”。秉持这一理念,和睦家从1997年在中国开启第一家时只有20几张床,发展成为至今拥有六四个综合医院、一个康复医院、十五个微型诊所的国际高水平的全科医疗集团,覆盖北京、天津、青岛、无锡、南京、上海、广州。“如果没有严格的标准和统一的软件平台很难达成持续发展的目标。”和睦家医疗首席执行官李碧菁说。
