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Vyhledejte informace o produktech a řešeních InterSystems, kariérních příležitostech a dalších.

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Společnost InterSystems byla založena v roce 1978 a je předním poskytovatelem datových technologií pro mimořádně důležitá data ve zdravotnictví, finančnictví, výrobě a dodavatelském řetězci. Její cloudové datové platformy řeší problémy škálovatelnosti, interoperability a rychlosti pro velké organizace po celém světě.

Společnost InterSystems také vyvíjí a podporuje jedinečné spravované služby pro nemocniční EMR, jednotné záznamy o péči pro obce a národy a systémy pro správu laboratorních informací. Společnost InterSystems se zavázala k dokonalosti prostřednictvím oceňované nepřetržité podpory zákazníků a partnerů ve více než 80 zemích. Soukromá společnost InterSystems se sídlem v Boston ve státě Massachusetts má 25 poboček po celém světě.

Informační list InterSystems


Založeno: 1978
Vlastnictví: V soukromém vlastnictví
Zaměstnanci: 1,800+
Příjmy: $720 Million (USD)
Sídlo: Boston, MA
Obchodní kanceláře: 25 Countries

Dotazy Médií

Kontaktujte prosím:
Thomas Keppeler

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Cambridge, MA, 17. ledna 2019 – Společnost InterSystems, globální lídr v oblasti informačních platforem zaměřených na aplikace ve zdravotnictví, obchodním a vládním sektoru, dnes oznámila, že byla v lednu 2019 vyhlášena 'Volbou zákazníků' v oblasti databázových systémů - Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Operational Database Management Systems (ODBMS).
Feb 12, 2019
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 12, 2019 – InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business, and government applications, today announced that the InterSystems IRIS for Health™ Data Platform is now available in AWS Marketplace. With streamlined access to the IRIS for Health Data Platform, customers across healthcare, life sciences and genomics can rapidly build and deploy the applications driving the future of healthcare, for everything from high-performance computing and machine learning to clinical information systems.
Feb 11, 2019
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., February 11, 2019 – InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business, and government applications, today announced the availability of the InterSystems IRIS for Health™ Data Platform across the Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure marketplaces. With access to InterSystems unified data platform on all three major cloud providers, developers and customers have flexibility to rapidly build and scale the digital applications driving the future of care on the platform of their choice
Feb 07, 2019
Boston, Mass., February 7, 2019 – InterSystems and Global Accelerated Ventures(GAV) announced today a newly developed innovation program designed for startups in the areas of fintech, health tech, logistics and data analytics. Through this new program, startups will have the opportunity to develop software solutions built on InterSystems IRIS Data Platform that are robust, market-ready and ultimately resonate with potential customers.
Feb 06, 2019
NEW YORK CITY and CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS (February 6, 2019) —Ready Computing and InterSystems have introduced a product combination that will help Health Insurers, Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to help improve patient outcomes, streamline case workflows, reduce clinical costs, and further modernize the healthcare industry.
Feb 05, 2019
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. and SAN FRANCISCO — February 5, 2019 — InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business, and government applications, today announced that Manifest MedEx, a health information network that delivers real-time information to help providers care for millions of patients every day, has selected InterSystems HealthShare as the core technology behind its statewide nonprofit network, the largest in California and expanding rapidly.
Feb 04, 2019
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., January 31, 2018 – InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business and government applications, today announced that NY Care Information Gateway (NYCIG) has begun using InterSystems HealthShare® Patient Index – one of the HealthShare suite of connected health solutions – as the technology underpinning its master patient index.
Jan 15, 2019
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., January 15, 2018 - InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business, and government applications, today announced the availability of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform™ in the Amazon Web Services Marketplace. AWS Marketplace availability will allow developers and customers to instantly access and use InterSystems IRIS with “one-click” provisioning. InterSystems IRIS Data Platform is available as a free Community edition, as well as a “Bring Your Own License” option.