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InterSystems Data Fabric Studio in Financial Services

Product Fact Sheet

Business woman in a team meeting

Data Access for All

Business leaders across the financial services industry – from asset management firms and banks to data and analytics providers – struggle with accessing unified, timely data spread across applications, data feeds, data warehouses, data lakes, and data marts. Often, a request for data triggers a months-long development cycle by the data and technology team who seek to protect data and ensure it is used within an established governance framework.

InterSystems® Data Fabric Studio™ offers a new approach to accessing data, delivering the right data to the right consumer at the right time, in a secure and controlled environment. It is a fully managed cloud-based solution with all the necessary components to create and maintain a smart data fabric, transforming disparate data into a single unified source of actionable information. The self-service solution enables data analysts, stewards, and engineers to access and process the data business stakeholders need without relying on developers.

Power Your Firm with Unified Data

InterSystems Data Fabric Studio is an essential element of a modern data strategy required to enable growth, optimize business reporting, reduce risk, and support compliance for any firm in the financial services industry.
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Enable Growth
Create innovative products, make better investment decisions, and manage clients more effectively with unified, timely data.
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Optimize Reporting
Reduce the time it takes to generate business reports and make ad hoc reporting a reality with a self-service solution designed for data analysts, stewards, and engineers.
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Reduce Risk

Reduce operational, compliance, and investment risks by automating data processing, enforcing data access rules, and using timely data for modeling.
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Support Compliance
Ensure data auditability, governance, and compliance by applying business rules, and maintaining an audit trail of historical data.

Easily Implement a Smart Data Fabric

InterSystems Data Fabric Studio is built on InterSystems IRIS®. Unlike traditional approaches, it does not require provisioning, integrating, and maintaining multiple solutions that ultimately results in increasing cost and complexity. Instead, it leverages a modern, smart data fabric architecture to connect to live data from the source, while simultaneously integrating and transforming it with business rules to deliver high-quality, consistent, and trusted data in one single solution. InterSystems Data Fabric Studio puts all the capabilities needed to create and maintain a smart data fabric within reach via a self-service, cloud service.

InterSystems Data Fabric Studio work flow diagram


The Right Data to the Right Users
at the Right Time

Business Users
• Front office
• Risk
• Product
• Finance and corporate strategy
• Quants, data scientists, developers
Systems and Applications
• Risk and performance models
• RegTech applications
• Reporting applications
• Trading systems
• AI/ML models

Key Benefits

Simplified Data Access
  • Self-service solution designed for data analysts, stewards, and engineers
  • Non-disruptive architecture, no rip and replace
  • Fully managed, hosted in major cloud providers
All-in-One Solution
  • End-to-end data integration, harmonization, and automation
  • Data catalog, metadata management, and unified semantic layer
  • Integrated AI/ML and data analytics
  • Ability to build a customer-extensible canonical data model
Fast and Scalable
  • Cloud data solution with fast processing time, massive scalability, and reliability
  • Designed for high-volume, mission-critical, data intensive applications
  • Connects to live data sources, minimizing latency
Secure and Compliant
  • Full change history and a historical data store to enable retrieval of any prior state and satisfy business, client, and regulatory compliance requirements
  • Built-in authentication, encryption, authorization, and auditability to ensure tamper-proof compliance with internal and regulatory mandates

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Eleven common questions and answers
Today more than ever before, organizations are striving to gain a competitive edge, deliver more value to customers, reduce risk, and respond more quickly to the needs of the business. To achieve these goals, organizations need easy access to a single view of accurate, consistent, and trusted data – and all in real time. However, growing volumes and complexities of data make this difficult to achieve in practice. As data grows, so does the prevalence of data silos, making integrating and leveraging data from internal and external data sources a challenge.

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