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The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Data Fabric, Q1, 2024

Forrester Research

InterSystems is recognized as a Strong Performer, providing a "comprehensive data fabric to support any use case at scale."

Forrester Wave for Enterprise Data Fabric

The demand for data fabric is rising. Enterprises are leveraging data fabric to accelerate new and emerging business cases such as customer experience, data science, IoT insights, global transactions, fraud prevention, business 360, and real-time insights. Many organizations are now leveraging data fabric for multiple use cases (occasionally a dozen or more).

Read the Forrester Wave Report

Forrester sees consistent growth of data fabric initiatives across all industries, including financial services, retail, healthcare, manufacturing, oil and gas, and energy. While data fabric traditionally focused on read-only analytical use cases, we have recently observed a notable shift toward transactional fabric, with bidirectional read-and-write capabilities to support modern applications such as microservices and real-time customer experience.

According to Forrester, “InterSystems’ strong vision focuses on delivering integrated, consistent, trusted data at the right time to support various data and analytical use cases.”

Read the Forrester Wave Report

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