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A Top Retail Brokerage Firm Clears 500,000 Stock Trades Per Day with InterSystems Data Platform Technology

Tier 1 Global Brokerage Firm

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COMPANY: Tier 1 Global Brokerage Firm

CHALLENGE: Maintain a system for processing and reconciling trades, and managing customer accounts, with a focus on performance, reliability, and scalability.

OUTCOME: A powerful back-office system based on InterSystems data platform technology enabling massive growth in customer accounts, without stressing the infrastructure.

The brokerage firm was one of the first to offer Internet trading to individual investors – and its business took off. Today, it is one of the largest online equity brokers in the world. At one point early on, the firm completed approximately five-to-six thousand trades a day. Now it averages about 500,000 without major upgrades in infrastructure.

Key Benefits

  • Performance
  • Reliability
  • Scalability

The firm’s back-office system, built on InterSystems data platform technology, “does all the heavy lifting” of processing and reconciling trades, and managing customer accounts. The firm believes it can continue to add accounts, whether it’s 10,000 at once, 100,000 at once, or a million at once, without stressing the InterSystems infrastructure.

InterSystems Customer Support Ensures Success

The firm is confident in its ability to scale given the support it receives from InterSystems. For example, when it merged with another brokerage – a move that suddenly brought 875,000 new customers into its accounts, InterSystems provided planning support and technical guidance during the preparation phase. InterSystems personnel were onsite with the firm’s technical staff the entire three-day weekend during the conversion. The key aspect of InterSystems data platform technology in the firm’s environment has been its reliability, scalability, and the fact that it’s built for speed.


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