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Create The Future Of Care - InterSystems in Healthcare

InterSystems in Healthcare

For over 40 years, InterSystems has been at the heart of the healthcare information ecosystem. Today, more than 1 billion health records worldwide are managed using InterSystems technology. Health information is who we are. And it’s our mission to make it work better for you and those you care for.

Our products include:

Creating the Future of Care

Healthcare is changing rapidly, driven by new technologies, including artificial intelligence and consumer devices, and by new models of care and financing. The goal is the same everywhere: to create a smarter, more sustainable health and care system for the future.

We believe the future depends on the right foundation: connected health and care organizations, and decisions based on meaningful, comprehensive health data.

Powering the Future

InterSystems healthcare solutions provide that foundation for the future. Whether you are creating a seamless coordinated care experience that aligns providers, payers, and consumers, a data scientist developing predictive models for evaluating new therapies, or an entrepreneur working to bring new medical technology to market, our products help you realize your vision. Together with you, we:

  • Accelerate development — with data platforms and products engineered to extract value from massive volumes of healthcare data, with unprecedented speed.
  • Empower individuals — where care providers and payers have the timely and accurate information, tools, and services they need to efficiently manage workload, improve workflow, and make the best care and business decisions. Where patients become more engaged in their care with access to a comprehensive view of their health information and convenience services.
  • Connect care communities — where knowledge-driven, evidence based care is provided seamlessly across organizational and disciplinary boundaries.
  • Enable responsive organizations — where healthcare professionals can work effectively as individuals and as part of coordinated teams, with powerful, reliable software to keep everyone synchronized while adapting to ongoing change.

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