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What Healthcare System Leaders Say About the Value-based Care Journey

HFMA Executive Roundtable

A discussion about the challenges and best practices for healthcare systems transitioning from fee-for-service healthcare strategies to value-based care strategies and the role of data in that journey.

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded and in-person visits to hospitals and physician offices dwindled, one thing became clear: In this environment, fee-for-service (FFS) models were no longer generating income and changes were needed.

“A lot of providers during the pandemic explored moving to capitation,” said Lynda Rowe, senior advisor, Value-Based Markets, InterSystems. “But they found that they needed access to more data, as well as insights and actionable information from that data.”

Most (36%) survey respondents said the biggest challenges around the adoption of value-based care was accessing and using data, according to a November 2021 report by Guidehouse, in which 100 health system CFOs and finance and managed care executives were surveyed.

In this HFMA executive roundtable, moderated by Katie Gilfillan, HFMA director of healthcare finance policy, physician and clinical practice, executives for health plans and health systems share how their organizations are moving in the journey toward value-based care. The roundtable was conducted in November 2021.

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