March 11, 2020 – Advisory: Corrected gap in custom lab charts not displaying all results in Clinical Viewer
InterSystems has corrected a defect affecting custom lab charts.
This problem exists for:
- HealthShare Information Exchange 2018.1HealthShare Unified Care Record 2019.1
This defect occurs when a Unified Care Record customer has created a custom lab chart where not all incoming lab data is tagged with the "lab" category in SDA. This can be resolved by requesting an ad hoc with the dev key below.
If customers have not upgraded to HealthShare Information Exchange 2018.1 or Unified Care Record 2019.1, this defect is not present. The Unified Care Record 2019.1.2 release has fixed this defect.
The correction for this defect is identified as WRS1025 which will be included in all future product releases. It is also available via Ad hoc change file (patch) or full kit distribution by contacting the Worldwide Response Center (WRC).
If you have any questions regarding this advisory, please contact the WRC.