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Bloor InBrief - InterSystems IRIS

Bloor Research

A Bloor Gold Mutable Award 2024

By Andy Hayler – Practice Leader, Data as an Asset

InterSystems and the Data Fabric

Why Should You Care?

"InterSystems IRIS has a broad range of capabilities that enable its use as the basis of a modern data fabric architecture. It has a distributed query capability, a data catalogue, a flexible database architecture, an integration platform, a semantic layer and AI-driven analytics, all embedded in the InterSystems IRIS data platform. There is probably no single vendor that provides every single element of a complete data fabric architecture, but InterSystems provide many of the most important elements."

Bloor In Brief - Mutable Quadrant - InterSystems IRIS
This Mutable Quadrant is derived from 13 high level metrics, the more the image covers a section the better. Execution metrics relate to the company, Technology to the product, Creativity to both technical and business innovation and Scale covers the potential business and market impact.

The Bottom Line

"InterSystems has a very well-proven product that provides many key components of a modern data fabric architecture. Its strengths in scalability and rich set of partner applications make it a serious contender if you are considering implementing a data fabric architecture."

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