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Data Fabric 2024 Market Update

Bloor Market Update

Bloor Logo

The data fabric market is quite nascent, and even the definition of what a data fabric (or its cousin data mesh) actually is varies significantly from source to source. The underlying goal is clear enough, and that is to achieve an enterprise-wide view of either the whole data landscape (data fabric) or specific data domains (data mesh) without needing to copy source data to other locations like a data warehouse or data lake. The desire to do this is understandable since data warehouses bring their own issues and limitations, though actually implementing a data fabric architecture beyond a demonstration level and on a large scale is a major challenge. Many elements of what is needed are beginning to emerge, but customers need to be aware that they will likely be stitching together separate software components, almost certainly from different vendors, to achieve their data fabric goal.

Current State of the Data Fabric Market

Bloor 2024 Data Fabric Market Update Diagram
The highest scoring companies are nearest the centre. The analyst then defines a benchmark score for a domain leading company from their overall ratings and all those above that are in the champions segment. Those that remain are placed in the Innovator or Challenger segments, depending on their innovation score. The exact position in each segment is calculated based on their combined innovation and overall score.

In This Report

Download the Bloor Market Update report to learn more:

  • What is it?
  • What does it do?
  • Why should you care
  • Emerging trends
  • Vendor landscape

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