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Integrate, Harmonize, Analyze: Better and Faster Insights Using More Data

A Smarter Foundation for the Analytics-Driven Business

Abstract binary numbers in subway tunnel

Presented by InterSystems and AtScale


The most successful enterprises run on data-driven insights. Those who can better access, harmonize, and analyze data will be rewarded. Being able to shorten the time from access to truly insightful action enables you to realize a wealth of business benefits:

  • Improve agility and gain a competitive edge by making smarter business decisions faster;
  • Transform customer experiences to generate loyalty and more profitable customer relationships;
  • React more quickly to disruptions and exceptions as they occur;
  • Optimize and streamline business processes across the enterprise.

Business leaders need to create a data-driven decision-making culture – and the necessary capabilities – within their organizations. Business analysts and line of business managers are striving to leverage more timely event and transactional information in their decision-making. The data ops engineer is emerging as a strategic player in the forward-looking organization, charged with situating comprehensive, quality data for use by different business users. Data scientists are creating models that augment historical descriptive records with more actionable predictive and prescriptive insights. And application developers are building sophisticated AI/ML applications that incorporate data driven analysis and insights for immediate action.

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