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InterSystems Certification Exam Policies

Retake Policy

Candidates who do not pass the exam on the first attempt may retake the exam after a waiting period:

  • 2nd attempt – at least 24 hours after the first attempt
  • 3rd – 5th attempts – 14 days between attempts

Maximum retakes: 5, in the 12 month period starting with the date of the first attempt.

Candidates may not retake an exam they have passed previously unless they are recertifying in the technology and a new version of the exam has been released.

Every exam attempt is $150 (USD). All candidates who do not pass the exam on the first attempt are encouraged to write to to request the InterSystems Certification Exam Retake Support service, which includes a promo code that grants a 30% discount on one retake attempt. The promo code will expire 3 months from the date of issuance and can only be redeemed when purchasing the exam that was not passed on the first attempt. Every additional exam attempt is $150 (USD).

Exam Retake Support

All results for exam attempts can be found under "My Exams" in the exam dashboard. To further assist unsuccessful candidates, the InterSystems Certification Team offers a free, personalized Exam Retake Support service upon request. This service includes the following:

  • A performance review of the attempt by a qualified staff member
  • A report outlining areas for improvement and lists of resources to consult
  • A brief call to discuss the report, upon request
  • A promo code that grants a 30% discount on one retake of the exam that was not passed

This service is not available to successful candidates and is offered only once per unsuccessful attempt. The service can be requested by writing to and referencing the candidate name, exam name, and date of the exam.

Beta Exams

When developing exams and recertification projects, the InterSystems Certification Team may offer free attempts to a limited number of candidates to gather performance data. Beta exams and projects are unvalidated and final results usually take 6-8 weeks to be calculated; however, success on a beta exam or project results in achieving the target certification. Access to beta exams and projects is given at InterSystems sole discretion. If you are interested in participating in the beta program, please contact Please include your role and experiences with InterSystems technologies in your email request.


InterSystems Certification does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, age, gender, national origin, religion, disability, marital status, parental status, ancestry, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by law. All candidates for certification will be judged solely on the criteria determined by InterSystems Certification.

Terms and Agreements

Access to any exam and the certification program is governed by and requires acceptance of the InterSystems Certification Program Agreement. As such, if a potential candidate does not agree with any part of the Agreement, they should not take any exam nor participate in the program. Please contact the InterSystems Certification Team at with concerns.

View the Certification Program Agreement