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Minimum Supported Version

The following table details the minimum supported versions of InterSystems IRIS Data Platform™, Caché, Ensemble, and HealthShare by platform. For all platforms, unless explicitly specified otherwise, the minimum supported version will be the latest maintenance release of the major release shown.

Technical Assistance from the Worldwide Response Center is available 24×7 for all versions, regardless of release date. For releases older than 2 years (3 years for security corrections), corrections will be provided on a ‘best effort’ basis.

ProductEffective 1 July 2024Effective 1 July 2025
InterSystems IRIS® data platform2022.12023.1
InterSystems IRIS® for Health2022.12023.1
HealthShare® Health Connect2022.12023.1
HealthShare®HealthShare Minimum Supported Version information is available in the HealthShare Solutions Platforms document
InterSystems Caché®2018.12018.1
InterSystems Ensemble®2018.12018.1

For details, please review the InterSystems Supported Platforms document, which provides information on Server and Cloud Platforms.

For all platforms, unless explicitly specified otherwise, the minimum supported version will be the latest maintenance release of the major release shown.

This is not a guarantee of future releases. Subject to change without notice.

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