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InterSystems and Vanderbilt University Medical Center Join to Enhance Healthcare AI and Informatics

Collaborative Efforts to Improve Patient Care and Advance Medical Research Through Technology

Cambridge, MA –November 11, 2024 – InterSystems, a creative data technology provider dedicated to helping customers solve critical scalability, interoperability, and speed problems, and Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s (VUMC) Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI), today announced a strategic relationship that combines VUMC-DBMI’s expertise in data science, biomedical and health informatics with InterSystems advanced software platforms. The collaboration will work to advance biomedical informatics and AI in healthcare through educational, research and innovation initiatives.

“We are excited about the opportunity to partner with our colleagues at InterSystems who have deep expertise in real-world data management, analytics and healthcare data standards,” said Peter Embí, MD, MS, Professor and Chair of DBMI and Senior Vice-President for Research and Innovation at VUMC. “Through this relationship, we will enhance the skills and competencies of our informatics workforce and pursue innovative projects to invent new technology solutions that enable the future of Healthcare.”

Interoperability Education

Together, VUMC-DBMI and InterSystems will develop education and training coursework focused on FHIR and healthcare data interoperability. Using InterSystems technology for hands-on labs, these offerings will create opportunities for students to learn the latest advancements in health interoperability technologies while pursuing projects essential to enabling data-driven healthcare.

“Partnering with one of the leading academic institutions for healthcare informatics is a great opportunity to build the next generation of health IT applications,” said Don Woodlock, Head of Global Healthcare Solutions at InterSystems. “We are excited about working closely with the professionals at VUMC-DBMI who sit at the forefront of academic and clinical innovation every day.”

Research and Innovation

Another key aspect of this collaboration is the opportunity to establish a joint-research testbed that will enable innovation efforts leveraging the strengths of InterSystems and VUMC. Collaboration will include experts from the Vanderbilt Clinical Informatics Center (VCLIC) and the ADVANCE (AI Discovery & Validation to Accelerate Innovation & Clinical Excellence) Center, both hosted within VUMC-DBMI. These centers leverage state-of-the-art Informatics and AI technologies and expertise to drive innovation and excellence in research and health care that will extend the efforts of this collaboration into novel solutions, and academic output including co-authored publications and conference participation.

InterSystems PR Contact:
Zach Keating

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