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Acquiring Actionable Social Determinants of Health with a Clean Data Pipeline

Clean Data

Addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), such as housing instability, represents a significant opportunity to improve overall health and wellness. But to date, much of the evidence on the value of such programs is anecdotal. To identify and scale effective SDoH interventions, we need analytics and measurement powered by comprehensive, clean data.

For most organizations, SDoH data represents a new frontier in information management. There is little direction on how to overcome the many challenges associated with SDoH data collection and curation, let alone how to use it.

In this joint IDC and InterSystems webinar you will learn about:

  • Definition of SDoH and sources of SDoH data
  • Best practices for collecting SDoH data based on different use cases
  • Barriers to incorporating SDoH data
  • Leveraging actionable clean data to drive decision making



Cynthia Burghard, Research Director, IDC
Randy Pallotta, Manager, End User Healthcare Sales Engineer, InterSystems

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