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InterSystems IRIS: Now That Is What I Call a Data Management Platform

BLOOR Research Opinion Article

This article from UK Analyst Bloor Research recognises the capabilities and advantages of InterSystems IRIS data platform as an "innovative and powerful data management platform" and it’s Smart Data Fabric capabilities offering a market differentiator.

According to Bloor Research:
“The days of running on one type of database architecture, usually SQL based, is long gone.

As real-time monitoring, growing market eco-systems and AI have grown in importance most large enterprises have multiple different types of databases, from time-series, to graph, to vector, to object stores, each creating their own silos. Trying to keep data warehouses and data lakes up to date in a very fast-moving business environment is very difficult and presents real challenges when only real-time, or very near real-time data for analytics from multiple sources will do.

But that is exactly what the Smart Data Fabric facilitates.”

Paul Bevan
Research Director: IT Infrastructure

InterSystems IRIS data platform combines operational, analytical, and data fabric capabilities with a comprehensive interoperability platform to deliver high performance for real time analytics and mission-critical applications.

InterSystems Data Fabric Studio offers a new approach to accessing data, delivering the right data to the right person at the right time, in a secure and controlled environment. A fully managed, self-service, cloud solution with all the necessary components to create and maintain a smart data fabric, it allows data analysts, data stewards, and data engineers to access and process stakeholder requests with minimal development.

To read more from Bloor Research on how fundamentally different a smart data fabric is compared to a data warehouse or data lake, read more here.

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