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Frost Radar™: Healthcare Data Interoperability, 2024

A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action

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Frost & Sullivan screened and analyzed more than 80 healthcare data interoperability solution vendors and short-listed 14 companies based on a detailed analysis of their corporate growth potential and ability to drive visionary innovation in this space. These companies represent the best mix of those that have a presence in more than one segment and enable healthcare organizations to improve data management and orchestration by easing data exchange among internal and external data sources.

A few factors differentiating the top 3 players - including InterSystems—from the other market participants are their significant investments in building enterprise-wide solutions, speed and time to implementation, ability to scale their platform based on enterprise needs, and the availability to link multiple data sources to create a holistic view of the patient.

Frost Radar: Healthcare Interoperability 2024
Frost Radar™: Healthcare Data Interoperability, 2024
Frost Radar™: Healthcare Data Interoperability, 2024
Frost Radar™: Healthcare Data Interoperability, 2024
Frost Radar™: Healthcare Data Interoperability, 2024

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