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InterSystems Solutions for Financial Services

Fact Sheet

Business meeting

Unified Data has the Power to Transform

In the fast-moving financial services industry, where timeliness and precision are paramount, InterSystems technology is a catalyst for transformation.

InterSystems data management technology unlocks data trapped in silos across your enterprise, simplifying your architecture in a non-disruptive way to deliver performance where it matters most. This enables financial services firms to transform at scale, so they can increase customer satisfaction, adopt generative AI, maintain compliance, grow revenue, and optimize efficiency. With an unwavering focus on customer success, we empower banks, asset managers, insurers, fintechs, and data providers to unlock new possibilities.

A Platform Designed for Performance

  • 2 Billion trades per day executed every day amidst unprecedented market volatility
  • 9X Faster than a leading data platform in a side-by-side comparison
  • 30% Less Infrastructure needed to create a smart data fabric than a leading data platform

Download the pdf and learn more about how InterSystems is helping financial services firms.


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