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Strong Foundations for Smarter Care - MercyAscot & TrakCare EMR

Digital Health Connect

After international borders closed, MercyAscot forged ahead with a virtual go-live of their new EMR without the vendor on site.

Digital Health Connect

A fully integrated Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a fundamental enabler for Healthcare Holdings to achieve its vision of being a value-based care provider.

The concept is a simple one: that providers should aim to deliver the best possible outcome for consumers in a cost-effective manner by moving towards value-based models of care.

Sarah Gardner, general manager patient engagement and quality, MercyAscot and TrakCare project director, explains that data and digital solutions are key in order to quantify the delivery of services and measure health outcomes for patients.

“To be a value-based provider, we need to have data-rich information from the start of our patients’ journeys through to the end,” she says. “It’s about using data to a drive great outcomes for our patients at every opportunity.”

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