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Agile Fractal Grid Selects InterSystems IRIS Data Platform to Support Delivery of Clean, Renewable and Secure Electricity on a Global Scale

Initiative enables enhanced energy data integration and processing for more efficient management of the power grid

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-- May 5, 2022 - InterSystems, a creative data technology provider dedicated to helping customers solve the most critical scalability, interoperability, and speed problems, today announced its collaboration with the Agile Fractal Grid (AFG) to develop a scalable configuration data management solution that enables the digitization, decentralization, and decarbonization of power systems.

AFG selected InterSystems IRIS Data Platform™, a hybrid cloud data platform, to create a single source of truth for its power grid initiative. InterSystems IRIS provides a robust, scalable data management solution that ingests and analyzes streaming data from thousands of devices requiring milli-second decision and response. This “next generation” of real-time data processing and machine learning will enable AFG’s platform expansion for its Secure Supply Chain, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Grid, and Smart Transportation initiatives, as well as amplifying support for its comprehensive cybersecurity, edge computing, resilient electrical power, Fractal Twins, and energy services.

“The benefits of renewable energy are significant for both end users and the environment,” said John Reynolds, CEO of AFG. “We knew that to make an immediate and significant impact in how energy is delivered, we needed to work with a company that understood the importance of speed and scalability in managing energy data. InterSystems will be integral to our team’s transformation of the renewable energy and data infrastructure landscape, as it is the only partner capable of meeting the data processing and integration requirements for this initiative.”

InterSystems and AFG are addressing the industry's need for truly predictive solutions to enable the essential retooling of the electric grid. By incorporating real-time energy data processing and machine learning, InterSystems and AFG are paving the way for a next-generation data distribution network. Some of the new platform’s features include:

  • Data ingestion that provides extreme throughput, performance, and scale
  • Data integration that enables data processing in any format, with any protocol, from any source, harmonizing and normalizing disparate data for accurate analytics
  • Embedded analytics including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and business intelligence (BI) to provide insights in a tiered approach that emulates nature
  • Embedded interoperability that integrates data and business processes between systems to enable optimized and intelligent real-time orchestration

“As many business leaders, facility owners and municipality leaders continue to evaluate their renewable energy goals, the need to efficiently and securely manage energy sources and data will become paramount,” said Scott Gnau, Head of Data Platforms at InterSystems. “InterSystems IRIS plays a critical role in the development of AFG’s full suite of services, enabling energy security through the power of data to help organizations of all sizes and sectors meet their renewable energy goals.”

Founded eight years ago to architect the infrastructure needed to support its renewable energy platform, AFG and its consortium of over thirty organizations within the power, networking technology, and consulting sectors are moving away from centralized control of the power grid to provide a connected digital marketplace for operations, analytics, and financial applications for individual use.

For more information on the InterSystems IRIS data platform, please visit

About Agile Fractal Grid
The Agile Fractal Grid, Inc. (AFG) has created a platform to help cities, rural communities, campuses, and military bases achieve energy security and meet renewable energy goals while also providing gigabit broadband access. Together with its accompanying economic development ecosystem, AFG can help deploy clusters of microgrids into a system of systems to behave like a distributed utility, with the ability to participate in grid resiliency services and energy markets at scale.

InterSystems PR Contact:
Jackie D’Andrea
Inkhouse PR


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