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AI Solutions in the Capital Markets with Irene Galperin

TabbFORUM’s Market Structure Wave

In this edition of TabbFORUM’s Market Structure Wave video series, InterSystems Irene Galperin, Senior Advisor, Financial Services, discusses how firms in the capital markets have been investing and experimenting with AI, particularly most recently with the advent of ChatGPT. In this interview, conducted by TABB Group CEO Bruce Morris, Irene offers several use cases and explains that data is at the core of implementing AI, as data needs to be "high quality and consistent," essentially "AI-ready."

Key Takeaways:

  • AI technology continues to make strides in capital markets, increasing efficiency and enhancing data analysis.
  • InterSystems aids firms operationalizing AI by ensuring their data is AI ready.
  • Regulatory challenges and the need for an audit trail are slowing the public and broad rollout of AI technologies in capital markets.

Irene Galperin
Senior Advisor, Financial Services

Egyéb Források, Amelyek Tetszhetnek

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