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Optimizing Supply Chain Performance with Unified Data

A Global Survey of 450 Senior Supply Chain Decision Makers

Businessman Updating Board Members

Executive Summary

This report summarizes the findings from a survey of 450 senior supply chain decision makers spanning various industries including fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), logistics and transport, manufacturing/consumer packaged goods (CPG), pharmaceuticals, and retail across the US, UK, Germany, Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, France, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, and Switzerland. The survey was conducted for InterSystems by Vitreous World.

In our ever-changing world, supply chain organizations must be able to respond to a wide range of variables including geopolitical factors, supply shortages, transportation bottlenecks, extreme weather, and public health events.

End-to-end supply chain visibility is vital, but as these findings show, top organizations around the globe struggle to achieve it. If businesses can see accurate and timely data across the entire supply chain, they will be able to seize new revenue-boosting opportunities and achieve optimized performance metrics.

To succeed today, companies must uncover critical insights from masses of disparate data located inside and outside their supply chains. They must provide their line of business teams with near-realtime predictive and prescriptive insights that enable them to make the right calls in minutes, not days. Even though analytics, AI, and decision intelligence are becoming central to effective orchestration, many organizations are stuck in the past, relying on manual methods to process days-old data.

Supply Chain Use Cases

Only with increased automation and embedded analytics, can organizations make sense of data to supply the rapid, relevant, and accurate insights their frontline teams need. This holds true across the five use cases covered in this report:

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting and compliance suffers from a lack of real-time visibility of data as scrutiny in regulation constantly increases at a global scale.
Demand Sensing and Forecasting
When it comes to demand sensing and forecasting in the supply chain, the ability to quickly ingest, analyze, and subsequently make strong business decisions is crucial.
Fulfillment Optimization
Measuring a supply chain against OTIF (on-time in-full) metrics is a key strategy that helps decision makers attach a tangible value to the success of their fulfillment and allows them to determine success strategies.
Supply Chain Orchestration
It’s no secret that unified, real-time data and metrics are the keys to success in supply chain orchestration.
Production Planning Optimization
Disjointed or invisible data is a major problem for businesses that need to optimize production processes.

    Although each use case comes with varying challenges, the common thread among all of them is the need for rapid access to trustworthy data and insights from as many sources as possible.

    The good news is that so many businesses recognize that AI, predictive and prescriptive insights, and innovations such as an ultimate control tower are ready to transform performance, agility, and revenue. However, before these important advances are possible, businesses must rethink and transform their current data management strategies.

    Download the ebook and learn more.

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